26 juni 2016

Week 26 (26 juni t/m 3 juli 2016)

Template by SimplyKelly
Alpha by Megan Mullens
Frame by Macy Wong

Week 25 (20 t/m 26 juni 2016)

Template by Vissymac
Kit by OnDesigns
Wordart by JSD

19 juni 2016

Week 24 (Vaderdag!)

Template by WM Squared Designs
Kit used: Dad's Day by Bits of Scrap
Alpha by Mags Graphics
Wordart by Touched by a Butterfly and Creation Cassel

12 juni 2016

Week 23 (6 t/m 12 juni 2016)

Template by Artgal Designs
Kit by Scrapavenue

5 juni 2016

Week 22 (30 mei t/m 5 juni 2016)